
What we do

We support mental health carers to participate in creating positive change in mental health and facilitate their involvement in consultations, media engagement and other advocacy efforts.

More specifically, we offer carers a wide variety of activities to keep you informed and involved:

  • Providing up-to date information to you through the development of resources.
  • Providing training to the mental health sector including ACT Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol & Drug Services (MHJHADS) staff regarding working with carers.
  • Keeping you up-to date with changes to the sector and providing opportunities to voice your needs and expertise.
  • Seeking input from a broad range of mental health carers on key areas of need or current changes.
  • Providing training so you can actively participate in advocacy.
  • Developing policy papers including position statements, submissions, media releases, responses etc. that are informed by carers views and experiences.

There are many ways for you to participate and have your influence on policy and systemic change to the mental health system. You can participate as much as you choose. To see what consultations are running at the moment, go to our consultations page.

We highly encourage you to share both positive and negative experiences of services as well so that we can make recommendations that are solution focused.

To understand how we work with carers, read the Mental Health Carers Voice Program Engagement Framework [pdf] [docx]